​​About the founder of Sahaja Yoga
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, born in India on March 21, 1923, spent a lot of time in the United States teaching Sahaja Yoga. She never took any money for her work. Her first nationwide tour, which included New York, Houston and Los Angeles, took place in 1981.
Shri Mataji returned many times to the U.S. and visited other cities, as well as the United Nations in New York City and the National Institutes of Health. Her last public program in the U.S. was in New York City in 2002. She passed away in 2011.
Through her simple method of meditation, Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji showed how to calm the mind and open the heart. She called this state “thoughtless awareness,” where one is completely alert, aware and fully enjoying life, free of worries, judgments and opinions. The results include more creativity, better communication, and an enormous reduction in stress.
Shri Mataji asserted that the United States was vital to the spiritual evolution of the world. As a freedom fighter in India working with Mahatma Gandhi, she experienced first-hand the oppression of colonialism. Many times Shri Mataji spoke of Americans’ love of freedom and justice and praised leaders such as Abraham Lincoln.
Today thousands of Americans continue to benefit in their daily lives from the practice of Sahaja Yoga, which is always taught free of charge.
Throughout 2023, Americans across the country will be honoring Shri Mataji. More details are available at www.centennialcelebrations.org
In the New York area, experience for yourself what Sahaja Yoga is — the discovery of your true self — every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6 p.m. at our Midtown center at 4 West 43rd Street. Classes are always free.
“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you. Freedom is when you really get your own powers which are within you. In your central nervous system and in your conscious mind you must feel the existence of the Spirit.”
— Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation
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Sahaja Yoga Meditation
An Unparalleled Discovery
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you. Freedom is when you really get your own powers which are within you. In your central nervous system and in your conscious mind you must feel the existence of the Spirit.”
– Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
What is Sahaja Yoga?
“At the very outset we have to understand that truth is what it is, we cannot conceptualize it, we cannot organize it, and we cannot use it for our own purpose. Moreover, with blinkers on both sides like a horse, with all our conditionings, we cannot find the truth. We have to be free people, we have to be open-minded people, like scientists, to see for ourselves what is the truth. If somebody preaches something, professes something, says something, it is not to be accepted blindfolded.”
– Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Try It Now
"If you have to ascend, you have to have the pure desire. ... Then you want to evolve and to feel this union with the all-pervading power."
Practicing Sahaja Yoga Meditation is a life-changing experience. After quite a short time you will learn to:

Meditate in thoughtless awareness
Find inner peace even in stressful situations.

Improve your mood
By balancing the subtle energy centers in your spinal column.

Diagnose and correct imbalances on your chakras
Meditation helps you understand yourself better and improves your well-being.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is found in
Free weekly classes in the Tri-State Area
Million worldwide
practice it
“…. This Kundalini, when she passes through these six centers, she enlightens those centers, nourishes those centers and integrated them so in totality your are all right. It’s not like, that one part of the body is treated, another part is neglected in totality., in the whole balance, and she puts you in the central path of balance. “
– Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1992
Dr. Ramesh Manocha, an Australian General Practitioner and Research Fellow at the Natural Therapies Unit of the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney, has reported convincing results on the effects of Sahaja Yoga meditation in the treatment and prevention of disorders including hypertension, menopause-related disorders, stress-related symptoms, ADHD, and asthma. The mental silence established during Sahaja Yoga Meditation is, according to Dr. Manocha, “associated with a unique pattern of physiological activity.”
A recent study by Dr Katya Rubia, a neuroscientist at Kings College, London, showed that long-term practice of Sahaja Yoga Meditation is associated with larger grey matter volume overall, and with regional enlargement in several right hemispheric cortical and subcortical brain regions that are associated with sustained attention, self-control, compassion and interoceptive perception. The increased grey matter volume in these attention and self-control mediating regions suggests use-dependent enlargement with regular practice of this meditation. Read more >>
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